Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In the beginning...

...well, there was this post.  And from this post other posts branched off.  The readers separated the good posts from the bad ones, and to some said, "this is good".

But whatever.  I could go on, but I'd rather not.  Digressing is far more entertaining to the writer.

Here's a side note, I'm not a writer.  I'm not anything yet.  I am straight, however, not that it matters, but as long as I'm publicly stating what I am and am not, I might as well say that as well.  I don't mind what you are, even if you mind what I am, the point is, I'm either going to irritate you or not, you're going to love me or not, there is no true gray area when it comes to me.

Guys - my question to you: what if you could pee fire?  Think about it; if you could pee fire at will, without getting burned, tell me you would never take advantage of that at some point.  Deep down we all know we would, it's as inherent as when you were a little kid and you wondered what you could do with...

Right, well, the first post!  Here it is.  If you can't find it, well, you're close, at least you're on a blog about the lost part of the found (Keeping up? ^_^) .  You'll find this about me, both in writing and definitely if you've talked to me, I make sense when I try; but I'm also very lazy when it comes to working with other people, especially in communication.  Family tried to change that. Epic fail.

I'm in college, something you're likely to have doubts about.  If not, then at some point you'll probably curl up in a ball and cry, knowing that somewhere in the world (Azusa, CA), there is a guy in college who is almost completely out of touch with the world, and the school (APU) is TEACHING this individual.  Even I find that frightening.

But don't be too afraid, I reassure myself by telling myself that a Graphic Design major (that's me) should be slightly irrational, out of touch, deluded, and border on sanity.  Imagine the ads we would have in the world without people like me.  Bleak and dreary billboards, monotonous fonts appearing every three miles on your local freeway, no imagination.  And video games? Yep, that's part of my field too, boys and girls.  Do you think they would sell or be any fun if the concepts came from a bunch of people who acted their age? In a way, it's one of the two mos perfect and NEEDED fields (society is losing culture, dare we risk losing imagination too?).  the other is of course literature.  Writing.  Putting my type of personality onto paper.  Two worlds where anything is possible (Graphic Design falls into the art world, so all you music and art people, don't fear, I love you *_^).  If you doubt this theory, GREAT, I'm all ears, just have a good reason.  Creativity and rationality were meant for each other.  AS long as each is as eccentric as the other, i.e. I'm very rational...about some very good things to be rational about.  And my creativity is an extension of my disconnect from reality.  The levels of which would astound you.  That's RIGHT: 'levels', plural! (hom-i-nom-i-nay!).

Alright, so you there's a lot here right?  Well, I'm truly glad you made it this far.  It shows you care.  Or at least were entertained.  I feel bad for some of my friends, when I'm in a mood sometimes I'll send a note or email about this long to them, and then they read and reply, and I'm filled with respect for them.

So here are some of the rules of this blog...for me.
1. No other blogs before me.  (Just. Kidding.  Go have fun.)
2. Comments are WELCOME!  Seriously, you made it through a post like this, you deserve a comment.
3. I have not decided how often I'm going to post, but if I post often - smaller posts than this one.  Less often - longer posts.
4. If you have questions you want me to address, I'll honestly do it.  Maybe not intense research, but at least a well thought out opinion.
5. If you want pictures of things, themed posts, etc. - let me know via? You guessed it, comments.  Again, I will honestly try it.  Challenge me, if I wanted to write for my own entertainment, I'd keep a journal.  Or a diary.  A fluffy one.  With a Mountain Lion on it.  Bad. Ass.  O.0'
6. There will be one challenge for you per post, and you can comment on that challenge on that that post.  It's not required, but I'm going out of my way to come up with some ideas, you should go out of your way to at least laugh at them for the world to see.  Don't be embarrassed, it's not like I have software that will tell me your I.P. address and I'm going to cyber stalk you.  Cause Ii don't.  I'm in college, that means no money.  It's not a myth.  If you know a person in college with money: 1. their parents are rich or 2. they are shady people and you shouldn't hang around them.

Alright then, I've introduced myself in a round-about way.  Here's a question that stems from a conversation about a topic that someone brought up on Facebook, based on a wall post derived from an article.  I think.

Challenge Q: ('Q' means 'question' on this blog).  What do you think about when you think of good physical/structural design.  Examples: do you like the more geometrical concepts of Art Deco, Classical looks drawn from Greece and Rome, simplistic patterns on walls/furniture, sleek designs of cars, coarse and rugged buildings.  I'm really interested.  If you want, let me know what aesthetic properties you like.  I'm up for seriously, anything.  Everything is valid.  If you have questions, go ahead and post them in comments. Hope to hear from you on this.

And this is the end.  Forgive the length, although if you made it this far and are pissed, it's your own fault.

I'll work on some other things in future posts, but I just wanted to get this off the ground.  It was this or three weeks worth of Luke/Acts homework...sigh.

Next time in the Shadows: 
-Possibly an email address for you to contact me personally.
-Pictures! (if I feel like it)
-More rants and discussions (maybe)
-Explanation of the name of the blog in more detail, there's some really deep themes behind it
-Another challenge! (even if you fail to do this one)
-An introduction to the theatre working this blog.  It's more than just me.  Sort of.

Shadow of Light


  1. Pooooooooeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ hahaha, I miss POE!! Does he still have the dent? When you get another one and I get my license can I has him?!?!!!
