...I will admit, I've no pretensions.
I've no regrets for all the things that I have done.
My faiths, to me, are as foundations.
None has the right to judge my soul but me.
Ok, so this is me redoing my blog post from earlier today, and NO, I didn't delete it because of blasphemy. I deleted it for other much worse reasons. I'm over it though. Plus! Now I can incorporate lyrics from an unreleased VNV Nation song! ^_^ These lyrics are from the song 'Precipice' also off the Reformation 01 album (and it was released on the album, so I guess the song is a released, unreleased version, yes?).
So, let me re-hash for you the things that have happened over the last few days. Yesterday I fixed a fax machine by plugging in the phone line. Really interesting work, took me forever *eye roll*.
On Saturday though!!!! (I'm making this part far more exciting than it seemed in the previous post that you no longer have access to because it's deleted. Mea culpa.) I went out with with my friends who I don't see often enough (Mauahahahahaha, you'll have to guess which ones!!!!). It was so much fun, we had icecream, and cookies, and threw nickels off of the balcony at cars! Oh lack-a-day, what a night!
I'm sorry, that's totally the wrong day and friends, that was Friday and that was Jeezy Bit and I over at Clive Owen's place. Oh, Jesus and Clive...they brighten my spirits. Speaking of spirits, I recommend you don't challenge the holy one to a contest drinking them - he has incredible alcohol tolerance!!!
No the day I meant to mention, was even more fun than throwing sinners at cars. Sorry, nickels *cough*. It was a lot of fun. We went to Kitaro in SF for sushi (OMG Sushi!!!), then we had cake from *scribble scribble* bakery (it was delicious), and THEN we headed over to Twin Peaks and did the whole tourist thing: didn't take any good pictures. Actually, we did take a few good pictures, and maybe more than I realize, I only saw the pictures I took. I should totally post one on here!!!! Yaaaaa...later. Anyways, the entire night was super fun and filled with laughs.
Then we all headed over to my place and the whole adventure, party thing sort of...ended? OH and we had tea! With the cake. Earlier.
You've probably noticed while reading variuos posts on this blog that I don't much care to do what the rules of grammar tell me to. I just don't see following rules when the stuff I'm writing is just pulled from thin air to begin with. It's kind of sad. English is one of my strong suits, and you don't see it here. On this blog.
Too bad for you, MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! And today I went back to the mall area to check on all the places i dropped off applications to and haven't gotten accepted into (Lame!) and really enjoyed myself, because it was something I haven't done at all in the last few weeks (If you missed the sarcasm, it actually is something I've done in the past few weeks, and quite frequently. Like every-other day. It totally blows). But what doesn't blow is the secret menu at Jamba Juice. I'd previously ordered and mentioned the Thank You Jesus, which is really quite good, but today I ordered a White Gummy Bear (it's the only gummy race they serve, I'm thinking about suing for gummy racism), and it was pretty good. It's a weeeeee bit sweet. But pretty good.
On other news, I had two bars of chocolate from Vampire.com with me from school that I'd kept very well preserved (had trouble with the wrappers, they got water on them T_T), and on Saturday I gifted one for two reasons: I like sharing, it makes me happy and fills a void from a part of my childhood I can't remember, AND I didn't have time to buy a pineapple, although, if you know me, it's pretty safe to assume that I still would have gifted the chocolate with the pineapple. So now I only have the one bar left (this isn't a bad thing), and I can't wait to eat it!!!!! I've tried on several occasions to eat it, but it just turns into the same situation as when I try to eat an apple fritter. Every time I pick up the chocolate bar, I get ready to open it, an I burst into a fit of romantic song directed at the chocolate bar, while waltzing around the kitchen, and it all ends with me putting it back in the fridge, and slowly closing the door while warbling out the last notes of song. It's very aggravating. I want my chocolate bar! It's that simple! I mean, I'll be honest, I don't dislike singing My Little to a chocolate bar, and I definitely am not against doing the waltz at any time, but the whole "I don't get to actually eat the chocolate bar", well, it kind of pisses me off.
Ok, well I just stumbumelled don the stairs here at home...again. Not THAT does piss me off. Over the last year, I've had more and more occasions of getting dizzy for no reason and falling (making me a very fun target for klutzy people, the haters). Don't get me wrong, I never get hurt falling down the stairs, not in years, I do it all the time actually and I'm pretty good at the whole "landing" bit of it, and keeping my neck away form the actual stairs. I've even been known to do it on purpose. But when it's not on purpose it's really irritating. Of ALL the times I do get dizzy, most of them line up with walking, being near 'poky' objects (i.e. the fricken blackberries in the yard), the stair case, and very hard objects. I think it has something to do with the never ending headache, and the nose bleeds. Others think that it's because I don't pay attention. Honestly, it's probably a bit of the latter. But ONLY a bit. Speaking of all that, I'm supposed to have had a cat scan like 8 months ago...I totally forgot. Oh well, the school Dr. should have emailed me like I asked, aye?
Oh, today I also did some more work on two ongoing projects I have. One is a wood ring, made out of ebony, and hopefully will turn out pretty ultra awesome (or just really stupid looking), and the other is a shell pendant for my aunt, which should almost definitely turn out, ehh, pretty good. I need a much more specific Dremel bit for what I'm trying to do, this whole mix-and-match stuff isn't working as well. (Jewelry is my thing, woot.)
Finally: I went to FYE today to see if I had enough money for the VNV Nation concert...no. Oh well, maybe after next week or something! I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope!!!!!!!!!!!! Eeeeeeh!!!!!
Alright, well I'll leave you with something good then I'll check out and do my thing. So, what to leave you with? Pictures? No. A poem? Don't have time. Art work? mehh, you have to be super special to be part of that (so if you are part of it, you can consider yourself super special). Hmmm......Oh! I know!
-Shadow of Light
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