Friday, July 17, 2009

Vi Veri Universum Vivus Vici

"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe"

It's from Faust. It's also on the mirror in V for Vendetta (awesome movie), but I read it in Faust long before I saw the movie.

Sorry, starting with Faust quotes probably makes this post sound serious. It's not. Is it ever? I mean I'm serious about some things, and there is the little tiny post when I was depressed about not being able to go to the VNV concert, but I think I made up for that with like 5 other posts after that where I didn't shut up about them.

Anyways, it's late, I'm excited but kind of tired, and I'm probably going to fall asleep about an hour earlier than usual (so around 3ish). BUT I decided I should spend some time with you, and write something, especially since I was going to post yesterday and didn't. I crashed early instead because I worked today, and I had to get up early. I'm not terribly grumpy when I have to get up early with only a few hours of sleep, but I'm also not very happy. I tend to be dark and brooding and mean towards the weather, and walk around like an anime zombie, and not speak in complete sentences, but I don't really have the effort to add "being grumpy" to that list. It was a bit easier to wake up when I remember I was getting paid though. So I worked getting some one's paperwork together today which was basically a follow up to similar work I did two days ago, and for $10/hr I love it. I sat at home for the first pat and listened to my music while I googled stuff. That was my job. And today I sent emails from my employer's computer at my employer's house...and listened to my music. It didn't take a whole lot of time, but I was happy to find that my payment for the other day was rounded up ^_^

In other news from earlier in the week - I've been playing Ninety-Nine Nights waayyyy too much, but I finally unlocked the super cool character that I've wanted to play with since I bought it: a twelve y/o water sorceress. I know that may sound really sketch, but what part of "she can fly and cause massive tidal waves" doesn't sound fun?!?!!! I'm very happy with that, and she's turned out to be a really challenging player to use. It's still fun though.

And today I got to see my aunt, uncle and cousin who just came back from a trip around Europe. I was originally kind of jealous that the 5 y/o got to go to Europe, but I dropped all my animosity when I got a call from him and found out he was actually spending time enjoying the things I would enjoy. That was the only reason why I was jealous, I mean he's 5, I needed to be sure I could live vicariously through him. And I totally could. Anyways, we went to see them, and we got to see pictures from Italy, France, England, Germany, Hungary, Austria, and five or six other countries that I can't remember. I have a terrible memory :(

They have pictures from everywhere, and we saw a good selection, but for time we didn't dawdle. I really want to go back through them though, with a focus on the art/architecture from Italy, and with the pictures that they got of the Sistine Chapel, which they got without other people in the way thanks to a private tour (I admit, I'm jealous about that still). I also got the souvenirs I asked for, which I love very much, two Euro coins from Germany (one is 1 Euro the other is 2 Euros), and a coin from England (a 10 pence). I also asked for a post card, but I got that a while back (the Vatican has a super awesome postmark!). And then from the charity souvenirs I got a notepad, which I already used once (I wrote something I needed to remember, but I'm worried I might forget to look at the note...) and a shirt from France, which is ultra comfortable. And black. When those two things combine in a shirt, I'm sold.

And then we all went to Fontana's and had an awesome dinner. I've been there a few times, and they truly have a wonderful selection of food, some great specials, and awesome desserts. I had Kick-Ass risotto, and creme brulee. Then we went back to my aunt's and watched videos of my cousin as a baby. One of my other cousins was in it too, back when he had super long baby hair and he looked ridiculous! But they were both super cute, and we got to see how my cousin learned to walk. It was pretty funny.

My dog Brewer was also in it during the Christmas section and he had his seasonal collar that I bought him. For a Christmas gift when he was 3 or 4 I bought him a red collar with bells on it ^_^ We'd put it on him every Christmas, and he never minded it, but he always sounded seasonal during the holidays ^_^ Although sometimes we'd leave it on at night when we supposed to take off his collar (seasonal or not, because he wasn't a huge fan of having it on 24/7) and when he scratched his collar he made a huge racket and would wake me up. Although the fact that he slept on my legs also applied probably. I miss him :'(

That was the extent of visiting with my aunt and uncle and cousin tonight, and when I finish working this month I'm probably going to go spend some time with them, because it's super fun an awesome. Time with either of my aunt/uncle/cousin relations is (I have two), because I get along with both of my aunts, my cousins are fun to spend time with, and my uncles are corruptible and corrupting respectively.

Alright, I'm off to to and watch the last few Avatar episodes, because I don't own them (yet) and I've seen the other episodes twice each now. Have a good one, and hopefully I'll post soon!

Shadow of Light

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