Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The light is here to blind your way
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Conflict that is Seized and Disguised as Revolution
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Back to the Crypt
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
What a week. Three days actually. Sunday I stayed home while my mom went out to go shopping and while Rick was at work. They came home, we went to the park, they walked, I biked, we went back to the house, we ate, we watched a movie, we went to bed. My day. I ended up staying awake (intentionally for a change) to start a new story. I wrote three pages in about two hours – a very good start based on my other stuff. The story I have fifteen pages of I've worked on for about 20 ish hours, and it took three hours to get the first page done, so I'm looking forward to this one. I hit a slight roadblock when I got to a point I was going to introduce a new character in, and I realized that I packed the book I needed. Irritating.
Speaking of irritating, my mother. I love my mom, I really do, but we're only good to spend a few hours together before we aggravate each other and max a few days. Depending on her mood, we get along for greater lengths of time or significantly shorter amounts of time. Currently – less. It's a boring house – Rick's fun but works all day, there's no internet, all my stuff is packed, so no books, no ANYTHING! Occasionally I'll play with some of my swords which are at the house, but there's only so many things you can slice with a sword before you move from playing into vandalism. So I spend all day doing nothing and all night writing or listening to music. I have been playing with some new gel pens I got from Costco – they make me happy. I have an entire page of neon and metallic doodles from a few hours I killed with those.
Here's something that I take issue with: I get a new laptop. I don't really need my old one, even though I'd kind of like to keep it around for one semester just in case I need a file or Windows. My mom calls me before I pack and says, “can I have it?”. Against my better judgement and my gut feeling, I say 'yes'. Since I've been here, I've tried to show her what I've set up on it for her (she wants to use it for writing a book on her life, so I installed a bunch of word processing programs for her to choose from), and she says, 'ok!'. It's been two days, she's had HOURS of free time, and she's putting photo albums together. I didn't say anything for the sake of argument, but I'm giving her my computer that I still kind of need and she can't be bothered to at least look at the stuff I set up for her!? It's this selfishness of hers that really pisses me off. That and hearing all her thoughts on her boyfriend. Even he gets sick of it, but he doesn't say anything because then she'll apologize in the same manner for hours on end.
And this is the part of my life where I realize that my cynicism and apathy come from the people in my life. I stopped caring about people and myself when I got guilt trips from people growing up. I grew to hate being complemented (not always, there are certain people who compliment me and it doesn't bother me – kind of like being called 'Joey', it varies from person to person) because compliments were always desperately needed and not given, or because my mom would go on forever to people about me as “her amazing son”. I hate being made to look like I belong to people, I'm not a prize. I learned to hate ignorance. Not bad in a small dosage, but to hate all ignorance indiscriminately? I hate in other and I hate in myself, I've found it to be a poor quality that makes you look more foolish than hypocrisy (don't even get me started). I hate cheesy relationships, the facade that people create, pretending to be happy while being eaten away by their issues. Whether they hide their issues from others or pretend they don't exist at all, it pisses me off – no one is perfect, and there's always people who see what's going on anyways. Ahhh, the joys of growing up as me. The nice thing is, I turned out to be exactly who I am, and I like who I am. The downside, I turned out to be exactly who I am, and I'm built on things I hate.
“I'm at my wits end. I'm exhausted by the conventional method of the approach to this situation. I've come up with nothing.”
But that's why I have my aunts. I love them all dearly and I can get along with them without issue indefinitely. And I also have some wonderful friends, who all have some pretty wonderful advice. Hahaha, everything from the “blow it up” options to the “ you always have a right to change direction if pressure becomes too great” options. I usually go with the latter and the ones that fall in the middle, but the former are fun and relaxing.
So today (Tuesday) my mom walks into my room and tells me we're packing all the stuff up and leaving in like an hour. Kind of cool, but one hour notice to move a truck-full of stuff to another truck and leave? Kind of ridiculous. But it's better than leaving in the middle of the night on Thursday.
Had a pretty good drive down to SOCAL. Just my mom and I because we didn't have room for Rick. We listened to music, which wasn't great, but it also wasn't terrible (my mother hates 80's music, I live off of music created and based off of the 80's – we have music issues). Mostly we played music or she cursed at drivers. We finally made it down though, got checked into a hotel because we missed the housing checkin for school (-_-) and then had dinner at Applebee's. Called my aunt to wish her a happy birthday. Went to Trader Joe's, FYE (my mom got Go – The Best of Moby (Moby we agree on)), Marshall's (waste of time), and Bed Bath and Beyond.
Then back to the hotel, watch the night fade when she calls Rick (I really feel for him, when I'm not trying not to vomit), and then blog without internet while I try to sleep in an arm chair. That's right, I'm writing this WAYY before you'll read it. I'll post it when I'm online at APU. Until then, enjoy the commentary from the crap armchair. Honestly though, it's not bad, I chose to sleep in the chair, it's a thousand times more comfortable than the hotel bed – but I had to put up with a good thirty minutes of my mom asking the same questions over and over. My final answer? I DON'T want a pillow. I think she drank too much, but NO she'd NEVER do that!
Hate hypocrisy.
I also seriously hate my dreams as of late. I've had some pretty awesome dreams, but some just SUCK! Last night I had a dream I woke up thirsty, went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. Woke up parched. Went to the kitchen and got water, silently cursing the fact that I have to actually LIVE my dream. I mean, living a dream is great! But not if your dream is reality! That's the entire point!!!
Still rather dream about needing water than some of the other ones. Four nights in a row I dreamt of encounters with different people, and each time I'd help them in some way, then wake up and ask myself, “WHY would I do that?!”. Simple answer is because I keep my promises. Sigh.
Tonight's title is from the song, 'Cernunnos' by Faith and the Muse. I could explain why I like this song, but I think I've used enough space on the blog already, so I'll let it explain itself.
Of your anger
Your ignorance
Your blindness
Your greed
Your progress
Your conquest
Your mania
Your need
Your sorrow
Your sickness
Your final, parting breath
Your hatred
Your bloodshed
Your future
Your death
I will have none
I, dread lord of shadows
With broken spell
Unto this rotting age
I bid farewell
Blessed be
Shadow of Light
We Are Functional...
...we are efficient.
We are prepared and self sufficient.
And we only destroy for the greater good
so you can be free to consume more as you should,
and lead a better life.
Last week in the Bay before heading up North for a few days and then heading to APU. I forgot what I did on Monday, but Tuesday I spent the day in the SF with Teenie and Rosales. Fun day – we went to Pier 39, bought cupcakes at Ghiradelli Square (expensive but delicious). On our way back we passed some really awesome artwork and ended up talking to the artist, who was a super awesome British guy with an awesome sense of humour. He had some crazy awesome airbrush pieces, one in particular that totally blew my mind was a set of three that were all completely interchangeable. So after a long talk with him about art, which was enlightening and fun, we headed to lunch. After a thirty minute walk and four or so restaurant choices we ended up at Pizza Orgasmica (good choice). Then we walked to the Apple Store and spent an hour there checking out the headphones on Rosales' iPod. A $300 pair of Bose were incredibly kick-ass, and made every song sound...perfect? Then we left Teenie at the bus and headed back to Rosales' to watch tv and play video games. The usual.
Where is the line between progress and decline?
What is the price to stop ruining life?
Why is functional worth more than sustainability?
Why are we so comfortable in our gullibility?
Wednesday - I played music and goofed around on Facebook.
We are dysfunctional, and inefficient.
We're unprepared, we are deficient.
And we only kill for the bottom line
so you can be free to consume more as you should,
and lead a better life.
Thursday I got to hang out with Rosales one last time, and we watched Boondock Saints. It's always a good day when someone who hasn't seen it watches it for the first time. We also spent a few hours with Spencer, playing games (etc.), and dinner at a cheesesteak place in the City. It was super good. Went well after Chinese food for lunch. Good day seeing them both, and a fun day on it's own.
Where is the line between progress and decline?
What is the price to stop ruining life?
Why is functional worth more than sustainability?
Why are we so comfortable in our gullibility?
Friday I had sushi with a friend, then went to Pacifica and spent a few hours with the art teacher from my high school and spent a few hours on hold with Adobe trying to get some licensing figured out. In the end I ended up with CS3 again, this time activated, and still legal. It was also fun to hang out with my teacher one last time, since I wouldn't have had time to visit her before I left.
What happened to make us want to be blind?
What is it in us that made us believe in all of the lies
spoon-fed to us by the ones who only stand to profit from our loss,
exploiting our misery and selling it back to us for a cost?
Saturday I found out that I was heading up to my mom's in the afternoon rather than three days later, which means more time away from the Bay and that I can't hang out with Teenie again before I go back to school. Pissed me off. Good news was I got to see my family for the September birthday parties. I spent the entire morning packing – I have WAYYY too much crap. My mom and her BF came early so we could load up the car and not have transfer junk later. My mom decided she'd go say hello to some neighbors while we loaded everything up. I'm all for being friendly, but I'm also totally into pulling my own weight when it's needed. Birthday parties were fun. I got to see all the family members I wouldn't have seen until Christmas, and I got to say another goodbye to my aunt and talk to my other aunt on the phone (FINALLY!! Texting is fine to k.i.t. but I like to speak with loved ones too on occasion!). Left from there with my mom and her Rick up to her place to spend five days there until we drive down to APU.
Where is the line between progress and decline?
What is the price to stop ruining life?
Why is functional worth more than sustainability,
why are we so comfortable in our gullibility?
Tonight's title and lyrics are from the song 'Functional', by Imperative Reaction. I'm a fan of all the IR songs I have (all of them) – they call out hypocrisy, lies, irony...basically the songs are about the world as it is. This song in particular is a personal favourite, even more so recently. I'm getting really sick of hypocrisy and BS, in everything from politics to conversations with people. It'd be nice if it ended soon.
Anyways, I'm off for a week with my mom and no internet. Joy.
Shadow of Light