Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Rain Will Wash Me Away


That is the closest I can get to the Combichrist symbol. Shame. That would be super awesome to post on the blog in the text. Please don't confuse this with my actual wink, that would be *_^ - right eye winking, not left. And mine is way happier. Ironic.

Anyways, thought I'd fill you in on the Combichrist/All Saints Day stuff I talked about in the last post. Thursday night I hit up the midnight showing with Ellen, Kyle and Tyler - and we are kind of disappointed. Not what we were expecting at all, and there was a lot that kind of killed the movie. But we had a fun time going together.

Now FRIDAY on the other hand... ^_^

I don't even know where to begin. I'll just skip through the day, cause that didn't really matter (most days don't anyways - and rightfully so - what is supposed to happen to make a day matter? What is supposed to happen to make a day significant?), and I'll just go straight to the fun part. We saw Combichrist live.

Here's what makes this even more fun: I went with Nate. Nate has no experience with this genre live (and all his experience with this genre in general is from listening to my songs). Nate has no real experience with Goth culture. Nate has no real experience with Industrial culture. The concert was at Das Bunker. Das Bunker is a Goth/Industrial club. I've been missing my culture. I've been missing going clubbing. We combined all these together, and you got a VERY happy Joe, a Nate who found a new joy in life, and a totally awesome night.

Das Bunker is one of my new favourite places on earth. The entire Earth. It makes SoCal kind of worth it (KIND OF!).

The concert itself was amazing. I completely understand why Ronan Harris loves Combichrist now. While we were there we also enjoyed the club's scene before and after the concert without having to be pressed up against the stage. Before the concert we bought shirts - no picture: I'm too lazy and it's not as important as the VNV Concert. After the concert we hung out for a bit and listened to music and saw more of the costumes (Scooby-Doo accompanying Snow White for the win ^_^), and then bought the vinyl for Today We Are All Demons then rushed back to the mod to listen to it (ended up waiting until the next morning because everyone was asleep). Fantastic concert, featuring almost every song I've mentioned on in these posts. At least the majority.

And then it was Halloween. Still feeling in a Combi mood from the night before Nate and I decided to go as Combichrist fans and with some persuasion by a goth Mad Hatter we decided to go more all out (something that we should have done for the concert and didn't). So after almost an hour and a half of last minute shopping for makeup we painted ourselves to fit and threw on our shirts from the concert. I went with black spiked hair with blue highlights. Got some good compliments, might make it a habit. If you're on my FB account you can see it there. If not - too bad. Then we spent the rest of the night going to Chipotle dressed in foil for free burritos and then headed to some houses with The Hatter, his Alice, Queen of Hearts, and Michael. At one point we accidentally crashed someone's halloween house party (no idea how it started but we were directed inside somehow and it ended up being a private party - nice house though). I just got the notification of being tagged in some of the other photos of the evening, from when we were at disneyland - really amusing. And that's where this goes next - Disney. Once we were there we were more than just Combichrist fans - we were walking Irony. So we played there a bit, I got stuck in the 'N' in CALIFORNIA until Nate helped me out, and then we gave parents and children some really creepy looks. Not intentionally mind you(not always at least), but any look at any person from us was generally taken as some sort of threat. It didn't get really good until two 12y/o(ish) boys stared at us as they walked out of the park (and I mean STARED!). We left soon after that and ended up walking right behind them as they were heading to the tram and over heard them talking about our costumes. I caught the phrase "the one with blood on one eye or the one with blood on both eyes?" from one of the kids just as the other one turned around to check if we were behind him. We were. Greatest double-take EVER! The fact that we had noticed them staring at us earlier and that we were walking behind them, looking DIRECTLY at them probably made the little boy's blood run cold. I had trouble not laughing. Truly amazing.

And that's it. After that we drove back here to Hell and I tried for a little bit to leave Nate and Ryan's mod to go back to mine, but it's kind of hard when you're on the floor laughing so hard you're goth face paint is streaking into your eyes while you're slowly running out of breath and only coming up with funny references and responses to each other. In the end we all managed to stand up and make it to the front door (after getting yelled at by a sleepy David) and then we collapsed in laughter again. Good 40 minutes with that. Then I went back to my mod, washed most of the paint off - crashed and woke up this morning to a 40 minute shower where i washed a good gallon of black out of my hair.

Fun Weekend.

And not the last! Next weekend I get to see a friend coming down from the bay, and I'm going out with some friends earlier to have fun. Oh, and it gets better still. Day after Thanksgiving - Aesthetic Perfection concert! ^_^ We're going. And this time we even have people going with us. Maybe. Ryan will be out of town but has decided he might fly down that day to come see it with us, and I'm going to see if there are others interested. And hey, why not you? If you've read this far, and you like Aesthetic Perfection or you like the genre, or you just want to hang out with us and be a part of something bigger than you - we'll be there! If you don't know me then get to know me on FB ( or shoot me an email ( - I'll actually get back to you, just let me know where you got the info from.

Hope to see you then, or maybe sooner. Maybe later. Just hope I like you. *_^

To wrap this up, here's a song from Today We Are All Demons, as well as the source of tonight's posts title. - Scarred, Combichrist

The Nightfall Approaches.

Shadow of Light

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