Verse from 'Blasphemous Rumors' by Depeche Mode, a song that was played for me on Pandora a while ago, and has quickly become a favourite. I like the vocals, I like the lyrics, I like it's point. And it's a great title for the first day of summer break!!! Finals are finished, hope I did well, but I think I did alright. Yesterday and today I packed, got all my stuff ready to go either home, or into storage. I never knew I had so much stuff. Goes to show the volume of things I picked up while I was down here. Actually, I haven't described it or shown you, so it really doesn't go to show.
Pandora and I are starting to have some issues - I want new and fresh music, but Pandora isn't really playing much, it just keeps laying the same songs over and over, and of course, songs I have as well. I've heard Icon of Coil's 'Shelter' three times today. I like the song, but I'd rather hear different songs on Pandora without using up all my skips. Wait, scratch the irritation in that, Pandora is Playing 'Star-Crossed Lovers' by De/Vision right now, and that makes up for everything. Interesting song. Starts very mellow, very chill, not something I'm against, but i do like my beats, but then, oh then, the song picks up with a bunch of bass, that's slow and deep and immediately your soul starts to move with it. Music that covers it all - delicious.
Oooohh, so the last few days, as the last week of school has come and gone, I've had this feeling that someone would want to show up and talk, and for 5 days of feeling this way, nothing has happened...until tonight. These moments kin of suck. However, they suck even more when you know EXACTLY how it's going to play out. I knew it was going to be awkward, creepy, make me look like an insensitive jerk (which I will admit, under the circumstances isn't something I'll deny coming across as), and that all of these things together would aggravate me. And it was so. Needless to say, if I were really an insensitive person, let alone an insensitive jerk, things would have gone much, much worse. At the very least I was kind enough to open the door, knowing what was going to happen when I did.
But I was instantly cheered up by my new personified object, my bamboo plant, Genghis. He's really not Genghis material...yet. But he will be. I actually found him, and he was really weak, and wilting and just not doing well, but some cold water, and direct fan breeze, along with a very small amount of Monster have helped him perk up quite a bit since I found him, and the climate back home is perfect for bamboo, as I once used to grow it...before my grandma ripped it up...But Genghis is here to avenge that. He will be living inside! Muahahahahaha!!!!
Side note - apparently, a few people think I'm really unhappy with life. Umm...I'm not. I'm not unhappy, although if you call a person on days you know are stressful or busy all the time, I can you getting that impression...but it's kind of your fault for calling during those times. And apparently I need to heal as well. What the heck?! I am healed! Yes, I'm cynical, but I'm also very aware of life and the world and myself, and I need far less healing than other people, I know my ways of dealing with things aren't the best, but they work for me. So if you're reading this, and thinking these things...please stop.
Back on track - Music. What is it with people judging any song with negative lyrics as a negative song? Yes, some are, but let's be honest, most are written satirically! Everyone jumps on the wagon with music as art, and writing as art, and hey, art as art too, but when it comes to accepting a very basic idea that there are modes of communication and interaction through these like satire or irony, not as many people seem to get it. It's really sad too, because now we're left with a bunch of cheesy ideas and shallow appreciations. Fail society.
It's too hot to sleep. It's soooo hot. In the wise words of Toombs from Chronicles of Riddick, "If I owned this place and Hell, I'd rent this place out, and live in Hell." Soooo true. I wish it would rain. I'd even settle for a single, medium-sized, fluffy cloud. And t.A.T.u. can be playing in the background.
Oh, I also went to dinner with a senior friend of mine yesterday who's graduating, and it was fun. We were at the restaurant from 7 to almost 1 in the morning.
Anyways, I'm making this post pretty long, because I don't know if I'm going to have internet access this next week.
Ohhhhhh!!!!! And I'm going to a VNV Nation concert in June! I will of course pick up the album before then, so that I can enjoy the album, but I'm super stoked, it's part of their world tour for 'Of Faith, Power, and Glory'. I'm so ready for both.
Alright, that's it, I'm off to go watch Hulu and try and get sleepy in this heat.
-Shadow of Light
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