Monday, August 10, 2009

A Million Points of Light

What a week. I've tried blogging several times in the last few days but I keep getting pulled into a bunch of other things that I don't really want to do, but I also don't feel like putting up with the pain of not doing them. Ever have those moments? You want to watch a movie (in my case, blog) and someone calls you to do something else, whether it's go out or do a chore, and you don't want to, but if you decline then you have to put up with guilt trips, arguing, over explaining things that fall under the "my business" category, etc. so instead you just say, what the hell, and give in. That's what I've been putting up with for the last three days, and today it's really starting to piss me off - it just doesn't bloody end!

Anyways, that's why this is delayed so far past when I intended to write it, which I don't need to explain, but since the reason is actually something that has been bothering me - I am. I kind of can't wait to get back to school, there hasn't been a whole lot to do and it's bothersome. I highly enjoy the days that I blog about on here, because those are the days I spend with friends or do fun things or things that will matter later, but considering how many days I've had over the break and how many posts there have been - I'm coming out short on the enjoyable things. School probably won't be any better, but at least I have that whole "I learned something new and interesting!" option to add to the fun and friends options. Plus I'll get to complain about the awful weather and people (complain about people, not about awful people), while simultaneously raving about the projects I'll have time and space to work on. But I'll also be away from people I care about too, which will be sad. But I'll be around other people I care about so it'll be fun. It's a very bipolar experience.

And to go along with increasingly worsening headache (it wouldn't be so bad if it ever went away, but it's always there ignorable until it spikes up like tonight), and a not-so-great night: tonight is a (what I call) blood moon. It's when something in the atmosphere makes the moon look orangish-red, I'm sure you've seen similar stuff at some point - like a harvest moon. The only thing is: red moon (and sun) are usually something you see when it's low in the atmosphere, but that's not the case tonight - it's almost directly above my house and it's very nearly blood-red, which is another thing that isn't too common. There are also no stars from my angle - absolutely zero. There are stars far away opposite the moon, but absolutely zero around the moon itself. It really bothers me - the moon has always been my element and right now it just doesn't feel right and I don't know why. Seeing it hasn't helped my mood any though.

Anyways, I did a lot over the weekend (except Sunday), so here's that:

Friday - spent the day with my Friend Käri hanging out in SF. We went down to Pier 39, had lunch at Bubba Gump's, went to Ghiradelli Square, sat in a park, etc. After we finished all that we went to a hookah bar on 16th St. - the same one Rosales and friends had tried to go to with directions that went nowhere and which I thought to be my fault at the time (I was very mad at Yelp). Well this time, after getting lost and calling John again (for the exact same reason as the time before - I found it less amusing than he did) we ended up at the same place as when I was with Rosales, except that the place now existed. Turns out the time before they just hadn't had their door open, and I had gotten blamed for having bad directions while I leaned up against against the (closed and unmarked) door of the hookah bar while I called John. The place was alright: nice atmosphere, some of the best hummus I've ever had, good hookah, but terrible service. We had a fun time, but it didn't really get kickin' until I called Rosales and he showed up. Like I say: Three's a party, four's a rave. Then we all walked down the street (some not as stable as others due to some stupid experiment to see how long that person could hold a breath of smoke) to BART and went home. Turns out I can make it about 50 feet. It was a fun day, but a really fun night.

Saturday I spent the afternoon and evening with one of my teachers from high school. We played around on our Macs mostly, but she also let me have one of her CS3 licenses since she bought CS4. Then I got some lessons on things to do in Illustrator and InDesign. Only sad part - she forgot to release her license so I'm stuck without the programs for now. Need to talk to her and see what we can work out. I'll probably call her tomorrow, cause I'd like to get it taken care of before I can't use the programs anymore.

Sunday through today I played more on my Mac, complained about the heat (85 is too hot for me without a breeze - and a breeze only goes so far after that), played more Overlord, some Magic the Gathering on the Xbox arcade, ate a few muffins, and worked on a card.

I passed some of the time with the Fable 2 OST - quite worth it IMHO. I wish the Fable 2 Theme were longer, but I'm still happy with it. I also got Psych season 3 finally, and I'm watching that right now as well as listening to music. And when it comes to listening to music - I've been keeping it light and mellow (ish). Basically: Fable 2, some Hellsing OST (always a good choice), VNV (of course - just a different selection), Tiesto, Pride and Fall (I did say 'ish'), Faunts, Xandria, A23, Covenant, and Depeche Mode (can't get Enjoy the Silence out of my head, and Precious is always a favourite). Also I'm debating adding some new songs to my collection, manly Weapon by Matthew Good band (good intro), and a Simon and Garfunkel song - The Sound of Silence. I've heard them both before, but now I'm debating about adding them to my collection (although I know that there's a S&G cd around here somewhere). Currently listening to 'UR' (pronounced 'You Are') by Tiesto, a great, mellow, meaningful song.

Links of course:

And that's it. That's everything. I strongly suggest listening to UR, it's easily one of my tops songs and it's very introspective. Doesn't hold the best of memories for me, but I still love it - which is true of a lot of things actually.

I'll try and post something again soon. Probably after something eventful.

Shadow of Light

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